"Not only am I questioning economic growth but also a number of more
general cultural assumptions about progress, about outgrowing the
strictures of the past, about the value of perpetual striving and the
restless spirit. Is there an alternative to these features, which have
seemed so central to the dynamic quality of Western culture, that does not
imply stagnation? Or is there at least another way of defining and
understanding these properties of our collective life that permits us to
partake of its vitalizing waters without drowning in its ecological
Paul L. Wachtel; Poverty of Affluence
sustainability |
text files |
economics |
Christian sources |
InfoTech and Community |
discussion servers |
environment |
social justice |
community |
feminist analysis |
EarthDay |
not-for-profit (NPO/NGO)
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- Sierra Club -
- EnviroLink -
EnviroLink is a non-profit organization...a grassroots online community
that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world
with millions of people in over 130 countries.
- The Canadian Envrionmental Law
- CELA has also organized an email list (DEREG-L) for activists who want to
stay up-to-date and in contact with others working to stop de-regulation around the world.
- Recycler's World
- Green Power [Hong Kong]
- The Environmental Council
"Our mission is to help organisations improve their environment
performance in a practical and cost-effective way. Our approach is
based around The
essence of successful environmental management, which is Edwin
Datschefski's distillation of the lessons learnt through his work."
- UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls  -
The mission of GRID-Sioux Falls is to provide environmental information and expertise to developing countries for use in
national environment assessments, sustainable development initiatives, and regional and global environmental monitoring.
GRID-Sioux Falls is one of six GRID centers around the world that provide the scientific community with access to timely,
usable data.
- Global Recycling Network
- The Green Disk - A Journal of Contemporary Environmental Issues;
Our site allows visitors to browse a review issue of and make submissions for inclusion in an upcoming issue. The Green Disk
is international in scope, and our target audience is environmental educators, journalists, activists, and other professionals.
- SeedWeb
- Resources for NonProfits - IGC
- Greenpeace
- Earth Working Group
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